Come and Explore
Hello! I hope you enjoy browsing here and learning about topics we may have in common: love of travel, family, books, art, multi-culturalism, and diversity. I’m looking forward to sharing my future articles and stories as they come to fruition, but in the meantime, check out some of my publications and more personal blog posts.

A Bit About Me
I was born in Manila, Philippines and now live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I love listening to and writing stories about travel and migrant experiences. Most of what I write touches on what I have observed and experience as I traveled and lived in different parts of the world at a time prior to the fast-paced world of internet and social media. I also love doing community art - especially organizing and creating opportunities for different groups and communities who may otherwise not have the chance to engage in creating art. I am married, have one child, and we have a wonderfully multi-cultural family.